We’ve been looking forward to sharing this story for a while.. Jake is a great runner but an even better human being. Based on the Sunshine Coast, he flies in and out for work, has a family and has a full on running schedule. Enjoy the read, here’s a bit about Jake Townsend…
“It all started about 6 or so years ago when I suffered mental health fairly bad. One day while I was working out in the gym looking out the window, I thought there’s got to be more to life than working out indoors to better my quality of life. Long story short, my mother passed away young and my sister booked me into the Sunshine Coast half marathon two weeks out, to run it in memory of my mother (man it hurt !).
Weeks later all I could think about was running and decided to try and run longer to relive the feeling. I remember distinctly watching a Leadville video on trail running and I was hooked. I wanted to know everything there is about trail running and googled AUS trail runners, and @brendanjdavies came up. I messaged him not knowing he was a coach and soon later began getting coached by him. This man changed my life. My main aim is still to complete the Leadville 100 at some stage, I just need a ticket !
Everyday I look forward to lacing up my shoes and heading out the door, it’s like a big reset button for me and the health benefits go way beyond anything I've ever experienced. Through running I've met some really great like-minded people, like yourself, when I was new to the Sunshine Coast and you went out of your way to include me in our run sessions. I really appreciate that as I have continued to meet some really great people in the running community.
My next race is the Blackall 50. I have some demons to overcome in this race and am really going to push it to the limit. As soon as the @ultratrailaustralia entries are open I’ll be signing up, and of course lots of marathon training for the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast Marathon. There will be a couple of 50k races (not too sure yet which ones) and 50mile races in between the A races as well..”
Safe to say, Jake is simply a top bloke. All the best mate with your training and upcoming Blackall 50! #whywerun #fractelrunning #infinitepossibilities
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